Wednesday, September 24, 2008

God and Piano Tuners

So, I was sitting in Logdson chapel last week and I was just praying, reading the bible, and also looking over a book for my youth ministry class. The piano tuner was at the front tuning the piano for a memorial service that was to be held the next day. He finished his job and it was actually somewhat relaxing listening to him just tune the piano. As he was walking out, he noticed me and asked if he had disturbed me with his tuning. I told him no and that I actually somewhat enjoyed it. He then went on to ask me what I was studying( at the time it was my youth ministry book). I told him and he said so, "you want to be a youth minister?" It then said No and Yes. I don't want to be a youth minister, I really feel called to do camp ministry, which in a sense is still youth ministry. We started discussion and then he asked me if I had considered becoming a pastor. I told him that if God called me to be a preacher, then I would follow his plan, but right now He has not called me to that. This is where it got interesting. He said, "Well I asked you if you would ever pastor, not be a preacher." Then he went on to explain how there is a big difference between pastors and preachers. And within his 40 years of experience in tuning pianos, he had seen both, but rarely seen a pastor and a preacher in the same person. He said there are alot of good preachers, but not so good pastors and also vice versa. He then told me of numerous bible studies in which Jesus was approachable to the people and he made himself available. He said he had been tuning pianos in one church for 15 years and had never met the pastor of the church in those 15 years because he is a good preacher, but he is not a good pastor and does not make himself available to the people of his church. We had a nice discussion about the church and preachers and pastors. I enjoyed our conversation together and he taught me alot through it. I look forward to the next time I get to talk with the Piano Tuner. Isn't it amazing when God places people in your life that can make a huge difference when you least expect it.

1 comment:

Hannah Middleton said...

wow! its so amazing how God places random people that you would never imagine talking to in your life to help you grow!