Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ACU Summit 2008 and Camp Ministry Conversation

This week I have been attending the Summit Lectureship Series at ACU. They have been amazing. They bring in some very influencial and knowledgable speakers. I have had he opportunity of listen to Brian Mclaren talk 4 times within the past 2 days. I have got to hear from 3 or 4 leaders in youth culture and youth ministry studies. Many ACU professors and students who have done research and are exploring our religion are able to inform others. I really liked the seminar over youth culture in today's world by David Fraze. It has also been interesting to hear numerous talks on technology today, and as it continues to develop Christianity and Church need to grow with it and use it as another tool to spread God's kingdom on Earth.
I had the opportunity today to listen to Sam Solomon speak in there Chapel. He is a former Islamic Muslim, who converted to Christianity and was persecuted and condemned by his family and the whole Islamic community. He had a Great testimony and has probably been one of the most powerful and engaging speakers I have heard in my life. The story he has to tell of his life is incredible and will challenge you as a Christian to take risks and sacrifice for your faith because I can guarantee you that we have it alot easier than Sam Solomon ever did. He is a great man of God and if you want to meet a man who knows scriptures and can tell you anything in the Bible, he is the man to talk to. This week has been just full of great conversations and a huge pivitol growing point in my own beliefs and faith.
While attending a coffee shop conversation on Tuesday night this week, I sat at a table with a man and his wife. I introduced myself and we started a conversation. He asked what I was studying and I told him Ministry. He asked what I wanted to do with that. I then told him about my passion to do Camp Ministry. This look of amazement and huge smile came to his face. He said "I think God wanted us to meet tonight." We went on to tell me that he was starting a new camp in Colorado, but needed help in learning about how to train the staff and a good set up for camp. I told him that was exactly the thing that I enjoyed talking to others about. The program started and then ended. At the end, we started talking about camp ministry and we talked for about 2 hours. It was a great conversation and I could tell by his face that he left our conversation encouraged and with a better understanding and vision of what camp ministry can look like. I told him I would be praying for him and his church as they started this new camp. We also exchanged #'s and info. I told him that if he had anymore questions or if I could help him in anyway then to give me a call or email me. It was just a great meeting that God had set up for us to meet and that God was the focus and in control of the whole thing. Man, What a great and mighty God we serve and how He knows just the right people that we are to meet and that we can uplift each other.

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