Sunday, January 31, 2010


This is some of us being goofy on our ride to DFW from Tyler. We are just so excited!!!

Last night, our Argentinian Group had a meeting time and debriefing time before the trip. We discussed what FEW details we had for the trip. We did not know what to expect in Argentina. We were just going trusting God and His work and expecting great things to happen. Today, we leave from Tyler to go to DFW where we are flying out of on our adventure to Buenos Aires. After getting a few last minute items from Wal-Mart, I headed out to Pine Cove to leave for DFW. Everyone from our team was meeting at DFW airport at 5pm to get our tickets and check-in. After everyone checked-in and got into the international terminal, we quickly searched for a play to eat. Everyone was hungry and this may be our last American meal for awhile. We ate and then boarded our flight to Buenos Aires. It was going to be an 11 hour flight. This was the biggest plane I had ever been on. It had 9 seats across each row with 2 aisles. I got comfortable and grabbed a book, my ipod, and some Spanish vocabulary notes to study. I was able to move seats to a seat that had a little more leg room. The flight was good. I could not ever really get comfortable and did not sleep very well either. I was very nervous and excited. I was going to a country I had never been to before to help teach people who did not even speak the same language as me how to do Christian camping like Pine Cove. This was scary, but the Lord is good and He is in control of all situations. I can’t wait to land!!!!

Argentina Commission Camping Trip

Hey everyone.
Thank you so much for supporting me and my trip to Argentina. I was extremely blessed by each one of you and I cannot say "thanks" enough to make up for my experience in Argentina and all the incredible things that happened to me and others. I hope that you enjoy these blog posts and I will post them as quickly as possible. Enjoy reading them and please feel free to comment or send me questions. I would love to tell you anything you want about my experiences and what I learned.

The Team